Getting Everything You Can Out of All You’ve Got

Symbiotic relationships with other companies can help you build your client base, but be sure to choose your collaborators wisely.
Sharks are famous for lots of things, but certainly not their friendly demeanor. After all, they eat just about every other creature in the sea. Well, with one exception: they get along great with pilot fish!
Pilot fish feed on the leftovers stuck in between a shark’s teeth, thereby keeping their fearsome chompers squeaky clean. This is known as a host-beneficiary relationship or, in layman’s terms, a win-win. It’s just this kind of agreement that can help you secure clients without investing much effort or money.
Most companies, probably yours included, spend loads of money, time and effort trying to secure new customers. In doing so, they generate new marketing strategies, create ads, hire new salespeople and invest in all manner of other things. However, there is an easier way.
Create a win-win situation by getting host companies to introduce you to a pre-established audience or clientele. For the host company, the recommendation helps cement a strong customer service reputation, while for you, the beneficiary, it’s cheaper, easier and faster.
For instance, one landscaping company asked a real estate firm to recommend their services to clients who had just purchased a home. After striking this deal, the landscaper’s sales rose by 40 percent!
Just remember, if you’ve got a choice in the matter, go with a host that sells a product or service that’s related to yours, but with which you’re not in competition. A potential host will likely reject your offer if you’re a competitor of theirs, or he might agree to the deal, but only at a major additional cost.
That’s precisely why the agreement with the realtor was such a perfect fit for the landscaping company; their client base overlaps since recent homebuyers are likely to need a landscaper, but they offer completely different services.